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Developing a Christ-Centered Family Culture - May 8th, 2020

Writer's picture: Dr. David KimDr. David Kim

Dear Veritas Families,

I hope you and your family are safe and well. It is a strange time we are living in. So much technology. But the entire world is at the mercy of a virus. But it only takes a little bit of biblical thinking to know that God is allowing all of this to take place for a purpose. I know that at least a part of that purpose is to give God’s people a chance to return to God’s design for families. Everybody knows that families are the building blocks of a great society. But Christians lack in understanding God’s design for families, and the practical dynamics of a family life, and its powerful effect on children and on shaping a Christ-honoring culture.

I will save the details for a later time, but here are some basic principles and practices, and a short list of recommended books to develop a Christ-centered family culture.

Principles & Practices

  1. Principle: God’s grace must reign over the practical aspects of family dynamic. Practice: For any problem of any member of the family, take it to the cross, before you talk about it, and take it to the cross together during and after you talk about it.

  2. Principle: Family “DNA” must be recoded with God’s Word daily. Practice: God commanded parents to children “fear of the Lord” and “commandments.” Both can be done by reading tiny bits of God’s Word daily to re-set the orientations and affections of all members of the family. No substitute.

  3. Principle: Clear boundaries need to be set as a way of practicing wisdom and love. Practice: Set up a “no-electronic media” policy during the designated time of study. Set up a limit on how much electronic media can be used daily, under the condition of finishing homework and house chores. Emphasize that boundaries are means to safety, freedom, and ultimately love. Be creative in what children can do within those boundaries.

  4. Principle: Create a space and time to read & discuss great stories which reflect God’s truth, goodness, and beauty. Practice: Have the students read it to the parents, and ask them questions to help them understand the rich meaning of stories, both fiction and non-fiction. As much as possible, take 15-20 minutes every evening, and take a couple of hours over the weekend. It is important that parents choose stories that will help them to develop moral imagination and hope for the entire family.

Recommended Books:

  1. Fit to Burst: Abundance, Mayhem, and the Joys of Motherhood (Rachel Jankovic)

  2. Recovering a Christian Vision for the Family (C. R. Wiley)

  3. Family Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God (Voddie Baucham)

  4. Standing on the Promises (Douglas Wilson)

  5. Reforming Marriage (Douglas Wilson)

Why Children Matter (Douglas Wilson)

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