Dear Veritas Parents,
I hope your Christmas season is going well. I cannot wait to be at the upcoming Christmas Concert, and the Christmas Ball. I peeked at the Concert rehearsals the other day and it’s going to be great! Logic students are also doing a short but delightful Christmas play. And this is the third time we are doing the Christmas Ball, and we had so much fun the first two times, it’s guaranteed to be fun and meaningful for the entire family! Please make your reservations now to help with our preparation. On a different note, I want to share with you an encouraging email I recently received from one of our alumni, Timothy Suh. There are many other Veritas alumni who really want to encourage our community, but for a starter, I thought it best to share Timothy’s email to you in its entirety here.
Hi Dr. Kim.
I was accepted into Georgetown and will be transferring there for the spring semester! I have made the absolute most of my time here at UCSB through the honors program, student government, and much more and I am excited for what’s to come in Washington D.C. Along with taking classes at Georgetown this spring, I plan to intern in Congress.
I will always be grateful for Veritas and everyone who played a part in my development. I can confidently say that classical education has made me who I am today. My classical education has not ended — far from it. It has just started. I’ve embarked on the lifelong journey to read all of the great books, to understand Western Civilization, to cultivate my mind, heart, and soul for Christ. Now more than ever have I seen the materialistic, utilitarian, godless thinking present among my peers — my generation. Classical, Christian education is needed now more than ever before. I hope and pray that the Lord gives you the strength to continue serving Veritas and all of its students. I hope and pray that the Lord works in each and every member of the Veritas community.
My recent experiences have led me to want to share the true value of my education at Veritas with the Veritas community. As I’m sure you know, some students and parents may not understand fully what classical education is and why it is so valuable. Furthermore, they may not understand how Christ and the “Christian” aspect of a classical, Christian education influence what is being taught at Veritas. I know that I myself couldn’t explain those ideas when I was new to Veritas, and I don’t think that many of Veritas’ students can, either. So, I think it would be worthwhile to have every parent and student really internalize the ideas of classical, Christian education by watching the following videos that were helpful to me. They must understand and so utilize the privileges of classical, Christian education.
Memoria Press’ Definition of Classical Education.
The Dark Side of Public Schools.
Andrew Kern’s Definition of Classical, Christian Education.
I love Andrew Kern’s definition of Christian, classical education: Christian, classical education is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on the true, good, and beautiful [by means of the seven liberal arts] so that in Christ, the student is better able to know, glorify, and enjoy God.