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949-283-7129 @Veritas Classical Academy
Dear Veritas Families and Friends,
Praise the Lord for he is good, his faithfulness endures forever! I am so thankful to the Lord for his faithfulness to theVeritas community.
We are living at a time when we are facing one of the greatest cultural shifts in the history of America, or maybe the world. This shift is a replacement of biblically defined view of God, family, marriage, work, education, life, and society with an atheistic view. Evil is called good, and good is called evil. G. K. Chesterton warned of such a time:
“We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four,
in which furious party cries will be raised against anybody who says that cows have horns, in which people
will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening mob with
the news that grass is green.”
We are living in such a time. To speak the truth nowadays about marriage, gender, life and all these other matters is virtually a crime. As Pete Hegseth shows clearly from history in Battle for the American Mind, the atheistic progressives have achieved all this by effectively separating Christ from every aspect of education.
But we need to heed another quote by Chesterton: “Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave.” The power of Christ’s resurrection is working in the hearts and minds of manyChristians who are committed to the restoration of the glory of Christ in education. This is classical, Christian education.
According to Douglas Wilson, one of the trailblazers of the classical Christian education, those who rebel against God will destroy themselves very soon, and Christians need to be ready to fill the vacuum, to build the ruined culture forChrist. This is the task of Veritas Classical Academy. During the Fall Parent Coffee, we sensed that all Veritas parents are ready to create and form a Christ-centered culture.
The most practical way to do this is by giving to the Annual Veritas Fund, which is an opportunity for each Veritas family to support the school to maintain the staff and resources that we have but also helps us grow toward our strategic goal acquiring a new campus and reaching a capacity of 500 students.
When you give, you are encouraging every teacher to be better equipped to disciple our students. Your gift is helping to advance Veritas’s vision of transforming the educational landscape of Southern California for Christ.
We encourage every family in Veritas to participate in the Veritas Fund and help us reach our goal of $75,000. Our prayer and hope are that 100% of our Veritas families will contribute, no matter the amount. You can give any time during the academic year, but we are encouraging every family to aim at giving toward the Giving Day, December 13 th .
Please prayerfully commit to giving according to the riches of Christ. You can either pay through Venmo or write a check for “Veritas Classical Academy” and write “Veritas Fund” in the memo. We will follow up with a letter for tax purposes, track participation, and update the community through the Annual Report.
With Humble Gratitude,
Dr. David Kim
Founder & Headmaster
We appreciate your support!